From January 2012 until May 2016 I was the lead developer of I have made some changes to the current implementation in ASP Classic (VBScript) and Microsoft SQLServer, but my main objective is to rewrite the whole game from scratch in C# ASP.NET MVC still with Microsoft SQLServer as the backing storage.
The game has peak times where the page loads are massive, so the parts of the game used during those peaks need extensive performance optimization to reduce lag.
My first personal project was a forum like application for online role playing. The application includes:
September 2015 - present: Working as a developer and architect at IBM Consulting. Passionate about all things automation and code quality.
November 2013 - August 2015: Developing a strong and user-friendly platform in C# based on Selenium for testing web interfaces developed in the department.
September 2010 - October 2013: Co-founder of the company, working as a lead developer of web solutions primarily based on Joomla and Magento. I have developed several extensions for both frameworks to use for client websites.
Analysis of a broad set of real PHP programs to determine patterns in usage of PHP arrays.
Utilizing static analysis of the PHP language to support developers in making defect-free use of PHP arrays.
This section briefly describes the larger projects that have been part of my undergraduate studies.
In the course Software Architecture we developed a simple version of the game Civilization using Java and JUnit for automatic testing part of TDD.
For the course Web Technologies we created a simple online store with Java Servlets and JSP (Java Server Pages). The store was backed by a database which we could only communicate with through webservices using XML as the data format.
For the course Compiling the objective was to implement a compiler for a subset of Java (JOOS, described here). The compiler was to be implemented in OCaml. The compiler supported almost all of the JOOS2 features. This also served as my bachelor project.
A project for the course Experimental System Development to syncronize online files accessed from a webservice to the user's local harddrive. The syncronization is supposed to happen automatically running as a background process, so the user never has to think about keeping files up-to-date. We created a Java GUI to display the files using Apache Pivot. We also made a fulltext search feature for PDF-files using Apache Tika PDFParser and Apache Lucene. The project is available on GitHub as an open source project: Java GUI for syncronizing project.